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| current_alias = Alistair
| current_alias = Alistair
| image = Alistair.jpg
| image = Alistairnew.jpg
| real_name = Alistair Hartis
| real_name = Alistair Hartis
| race = Norman
| race = Norman

Revision as of 07:26, 21 September 2024


Alistair Hartis
Current Alias
White, short, unruly
Captain of the Prontera City Guard
Quiet, sleep, order, training
Criminals, small talk, dancing

Is destiny absolute? Do the gods brook no dissent? Duty is a heavy cloak, yet it befits some. Its wearers grow dour beneath its weight... Beneath that facade, does joy suffocate, or does fear stifle it?


Alistair is a man in his late twenties, possessing a distinct and commanding presence. His eyes are a striking shade of amethyst, piercing and intense, often underscored by dark circles that reveal the exhaustion borne from his relentless commitment to his duties.

His hair is snowy white; a colour that gives him a distinguished look. It is kept short but tends to be somewhat unruly, perhaps a subtle sign of the controlled chaos that underpins his life of duty and vigilance. The early development of frown lines on his brow speaks to the weight of responsibility and concern that often occupy his thoughts.

Alistair's attire typically includes armor, even when he is off duty, suggesting a life dedicated to and consumed by his role in maintaining the safety and order of Prontera. This choice of clothing indicates a man who is always prepared, always in a state of readiness for whatever challenges may arise. When not in armor, he opts for simple, humble clothing - a nod to his practical nature and a life focused more on duty than on appearance.

He is rarely seen without his sword and shield, symbolizing his readiness to defend and protect at a moment's notice. Physically, Alistair has an athletic, wiry build, suggestive of a man who is no stranger to physical exertion and the demands of combat. This physique complements his role as the captain of the guard, reflecting strength, endurance, and a life spent in the service of others and his ideal of 'justice'.


Alistair's personality is deeply shaped by his strong sense of duty and responsibility, reflecting the stern and disciplined nature of a man who has taken on the weighty role of captain of Prontera's city guard. This sense of duty is rooted in his personal history, particularly the tragic loss of his mother at a young age, an event that has profoundly influenced his outlook on life and relationships. As a result, he often presents a cynical and somewhat cold demeanour, indicative of his experiences and the realities he faces in maintaining law and order.

Fiercely protective, especially of his younger sister Maple, Alistair embodies the role of a guardian. This protectiveness is a mix of affection and a deep-seated need to shield her from the harsher aspects of the world, a need that was intensified by their shared loss and their father's seemingly passive response to it. His relationship with his father is marked by strain and misunderstanding, stemming from Alistair's perception of his father's choice to run a tavern as a form of cowardice and avoidance.

Alistair's life is characterized by discipline and vigilance, qualities that are essential in his position as a key upholder of peace and security in Prontera. He is always prepared and maintains a rigorous adherence to the rules and duties of his position. Despite his tough exterior, Alistair possesses a complex emotional depth, with unresolved feelings surrounding his mother's death continuing to influence his behavior and choices.

Viewing the world through a pragmatic lens, Alistair's approach to life is grounded in realism, often overshadowing more idealistic views. His experiences have made him keenly aware of the realities of life, shaping his approach to leadership and his interactions with those around him. In summary, Alistair's personality is that of a protector, marked by a blend of sternness, emotional complexity, and an unwavering commitment to his duties and the safety of those under his watch.


Born into a family of minor nobility, his upbringing took a significant turn following his father's decision to abandon the privileges of nobility for the life of a tavern keeper in Prontera. This choice set the stage for a life markedly different from what might have been expected of someone of his lineage.

The course of Alistair's life was irrevocably altered at the tender age of twelve, when he faced the devastating loss of his mother to an act of violence. This tragic event became the catalyst for his future path, instilling in him an unyielding desire for justice and protection, deeply influencing his personality and the choices he would make.

Driven by the memory of his mother and a resolve to prevent such tragedies from befalling others, Alistair pursued a career in the Prontera Chivalry. His dedication and prowess led him to ascend to the esteemed position of captain of Prontera's city guard. In this role, Alistair is tasked with maintaining order and safety in the bustling city, a responsibility he shoulders with a mixture of stern resolve and a hint of cynicism born from the weight of his duties.

Alistair's personal life is marked by complexity, particularly in his relationships with his family. He harbours a strained relationship with his father, stemming from a fundamental disagreement over how to respond to their shared loss. Alistair perceives his father's choice to run a tavern as an act of avoidance, a stark contrast to his own path of seeking justice and order.

As Maple's elder brother, Alistair is fiercely protective. This protectiveness is a blend of affection and a sense of duty, influenced by their early encounter with loss and his role as her guardian in the wake of their mother's death. His concern for Maple's well-being is a constant in his life, shaping many of his interactions and decisions.


