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Salomise's preferred attire is the revealing garb of a belly dancer, though she often struggles to move gracefully in it. Flowing silks and loose veils in deep crimson hues, designed to accentuate her beauty and allure, cascade from her form, matching the fiery red of her long, flowing hair. Her hair, often bundled into twin braids, flows like a river of crimson, constantly catching in the wind or falling into her face at the most inconvenient moments.
Salomise's preferred attire is the revealing garb of a belly dancer, though she often struggles to move gracefully in it. Flowing silks and loose veils in deep crimson hues, designed to accentuate her beauty and allure, cascade from her form, matching the fiery red of her long, flowing hair. Her hair, often bundled into twin braids, flows like a river of crimson, constantly catching in the wind or falling into her face at the most inconvenient moments.

[[Category:Pages with broken file links]]


Revision as of 03:19, 10 September 2024


Salomise Oliert
Current Alias


The dumb one, dancer

Blood Type
August 5
Red, long
Dancer, spy
Gem collecting


Some say Evil is the absence of Good. The desert rose knows that the sands, too, hold water. Fear now her thorns.


Salomise is a beautiful young woman whose presence is striking at first glance, but her awkwardness soon steals the attention. Her figure is blessed with alluring, athletic curves that seem purpose-built for grace and elegance, yet there’s a softness to her, a hint of vulnerability beneath the surface. Her beauty, though undeniable, is often at odds with her actions, making her seem less like a temptress of destruction and more like an unintentional source of chaos.

Thick lashes frame her large blue eyes, and though they sparkle with the potential for mischief, their depths have an undeniable innocence and cluelessness. It's clear that she’s not entirely sure of herself or what she’s doing most of the time. Her wide eyes tend to reflect confusion, especially when one of her plans inevitably goes awry.

Salomise's preferred attire is the revealing garb of a belly dancer, though she often struggles to move gracefully in it. Flowing silks and loose veils in deep crimson hues, designed to accentuate her beauty and allure, cascade from her form, matching the fiery red of her long, flowing hair. Her hair, often bundled into twin braids, flows like a river of crimson, constantly catching in the wind or falling into her face at the most inconvenient moments.


Salomise’s clumsiness is her defining trait, both physically and mentally. Whether she's tripping over her own feet in the middle of a battle or knocking over a carefully placed object during a sneaky infiltration, her lack of coordination frequently derails her plans. Even her demonic powers, which should strike fear into her enemies, are as unpredictable as her footing—spells backfire, she misplaces artifacts, and her attempts at combat often end with her tangled in her own clothing or accidentally setting fire to something.

Her lack of grace extends into her interactions with others. She struggles to navigate conversations smoothly in social situations, often missing the tone or accidentally revealing too much. Her earnestness makes her lovable in a strange sort of way, but it also means she’s constantly stumbling through alliances and negotiations, leaving her allies and foes bewildered. Despite these missteps, she never appears embarrassed, simply brushing off her blunders with the same carefree attitude she applies to everything else.

Salomise is perpetually distracted, with her thoughts often drifting away. Even amid her most sinister schemes, her mind can wander off, caught up in daydreams or irrelevant tangents. She’ll be trying to summon a demonic horde, only to start admiring the way the moonlight reflects off her crimson hair, or she'll be in the middle of a sneaky operation and suddenly stop to admire the pretty flowers in a nearby field.

This air-headed nature makes it difficult for her to focus on goals. Fleeting curiosities or trivial concerns easily sidetrack her. Though grand in scope, her plans are usually hastily constructed and poorly thought out because she rarely considers the details. Her decisions are driven by impulses rather than careful plotting, which often leads to disastrous results—though Salomise never seems to notice how bad things are going.

This gives her a somewhat innocent quality, as she often fails to grasp the gravity of situations. She’ll deliver villainous monologues with all the seriousness of a child pretending to be a pirate, completely oblivious that her threats might be undercut by her stumbling over her words or forgetting what she was trying to say. Despite being on a quest for destruction, she’s often too distracted to actually finish what she starts.

Though she is easily distracted by shiny objects or random thoughts, when Salomise sets her mind to something, she becomes fiercely determined—often to a fault. Once an idea has lodged itself in her brain, she pursues it with unwavering focus, even when it becomes clear to everyone else that it’s a terrible idea. Whether it's stealing a relic of Freyja’s temple or trying to infiltrate a high-security fortress, once she’s decided it must be done, nothing will dissuade her.

Even when her plans start to fall apart, she will stubbornly keep pushing forward, convinced that if she keeps going, everything will work out. Her companions are often left trying to clean up the mess behind her or redirect her away from inevitable disaster.

Despite her clumsiness and lack of foresight, Salomise’s single-minded determination also gives her resilience. No matter how often she fails—and she fails a lot—she never gives up. Each failed scheme is simply a temporary setback in her mind, something to be learned from (though she rarely actually learns from her mistakes).


Raised in the hidden conclave beneath Veins, Salomise grew up surrounded by the expectations of her demonic heritage. From the moment she could walk, her mother and the conclave's elders tried to mold her into a graceful temptress and fearsome villain. But no matter how hard they tried, Salomise couldn’t quite get it right. Whether it was tripping over her own feet during her succubus training or accidentally setting things on fire with her demonic aura, she became known more for her mishaps than for her power.

Her teachers were often left dumbfounded, watching as Salomise tried to summon a small flame but instead produced an uncontrollable inferno, or when she attempted to seduce someone with a hypnotic dance only to trip and fall flat on her face. But through all the frustration and failed attempts, Salomise kept an unshakable belief that one day, she would achieve greatness—somehow.

Now grown, Salomise has fully embraced her role as a villain, though her execution leaves much to be desired. With grand plans to bring about the destruction of Midgard and fulfill the dark wishes of Satan Morroc, she set off on her journey with boundless enthusiasm and confidence. The problem? Her clumsiness and lack of foresight ensure that nearly every plan she hatches goes wrong.

In one attempt to corrupt Rachel's holy waters, Salomise entered the city under the cover of night, only to accidentally knock over a barrel and douse herself with the sacred water instead, rendering her harmless for days. Another time, she attempted to summon a demon army, only for the portal to open beneath her feet, sending her plummeting into Geffenia.

Most recently, she attempted to summon a powerful demonic storm to terrify the locals, but instead, the storm blew her and her partner all the way to Rune-Midgarts... Time and time again, her grand schemes unravel due to her own bumbling nature, leaving her more embarrassed than menacing. And yet, through all of this, she somehow manages to bounce back, undeterred by failure. Even when things go awry, Salomise is quick to bounce back with an awkward laugh and a promise to "really get it right next time!"

RP Hooks

  • Along with her friend, she has been sent to destablise Rune-Midgarts and Arunafeltz.


  • She names all her gems and sometimes paints faces on them.


Any character: