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Gunter Helmund Rekenber

Gunter Helmund Rekenber


Grandpa (Frieda)

Blood Type
1 Jan
White, thin.
Beautiful eyes
Chairman of the Rekenber Corporation
Gardening, restoring old robots, fixing clocks, chess
Lilies, simple inventions, alchemy, whisky, his granddaughter
Simple people, insubordination, hubris, complacency


Alyce Rekenber (Deceased)
Eufemia Rekenber (Deceased)
Arnulf Rekenber (Older brother, deceased), Dieterich Rekenber (Younger brother)
Agnard Rekenber (Father, deceased), Janelein Rekenber (Mother, deceased)
Other Relatives

Frieda Rekenber (Grandaughter)


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Early Life

Gunter was born into a world where wealth and influence were the currencies of power. Raised in an affluent family in Lighthalzen, a city renowned for its fusion of magic and technology, his childhood was one of luxury, but also of rigorous grooming for leadership. The Rekenber Corporation, a cornerstone of his family's legacy, was not just a business but a dynasty to which he was heir.

From a young age, Gunter and his brothers were immersed in the intricacies of corporate management, magi-tech development, and the cutthroat world of Schwarzwald's elite. Among his siblings, Gunter stood out for his pragmatic approach and unrelenting ambition. He was not just content with learning the ropes; he was determined to redefine them.

As a child, Gunter was captivated by the vibrant gardens that adorned the grounds of his family estate. These gardens, meticulously maintained, were more than just displays of beauty; to young Gunter, they were a microcosm of life itself – a cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth that unfolded with each passing season. This early exposure to the rhythms of nature sparked in him a profound interest in the processes that underlie life.

However, this fascination was twinned with an emerging fear of death – a fear perhaps instilled by the premature loss of a cousin which left a lasting impression on his young mind. Gunter found himself pondering the fragility of life and the inexorable march towards mortality, questions that weighed heavily on his precocious intellect.

It was in the study of alchemy that young Gunter found a semblance of answers to his questions. Alchemy, with its blend of science, magic, and philosophy, became an obsession for him. He was particularly drawn to the alchemical pursuit of the Elixir of Life, a legendary concoction said to grant immortality, and the Homunculus, a creation of life through alchemical means. These pursuits symbolized his twin fascinations with conquering death and understanding the essence of life.

Gunter's early experiments in alchemy started in the gardens of his estate. He would spend hours tending to plants, mixing various natural concoctions to enhance their growth or to create new, hybrid forms. His gardens became his laboratory, a place where he could explore the principles of alchemy in a tangible, hands-on way.

As Gunter grew, so did his ambitions. The gardens and his rudimentary alchemical experiments were no longer enough to satisfy his growing thirst for knowledge. He began delving deeper into more advanced alchemical texts, seeking out mentors among the alchemists and mages of Lighthalzen. His natural intelligence and his family's resources allowed him access to knowledge that was rare for someone his age.

Gunter's early life thus became a foundation upon which his future would be built. His fear of death and fascination with the creation of life through alchemy would eventually manifest in his leadership of the Rekenber Corporation. These childhood obsessions would drive him to push the boundaries of magi-tech, blurring the lines between science and sorcery, and between ethical boundaries and personal ambition.


Alyce, the daughter of a dean from the prestigious Sage Academy in Juno, entered Gunter's life as a key to a door he was desperate to unlock. Her connection to the academy, a repository of vast knowledge and arcane secrets, was an irresistible allure for Gunter, who was deeply engrossed in his quest to understand and manipulate the essence of life. Alyce, for her part, was a woman of kindness and grace, possessing a beauty that was as much a matter of her gentle spirit as her physical appearance. She fell deeply in love with Gunter, drawn perhaps to his intelligence and the intensity of his ambition.

For Gunter, the marriage was a strategic move, a step closer to the resources and knowledge he coveted. He played the part of a loving husband, but his heart remained untouched by the genuine affection Alyce offered. Instead, Gunter's true passion lay in his research, particularly his groundbreaking work in creating autonomous artificial life, a pursuit that consumed much of his time and attention.

Alyce, yearning for a deeper connection with Gunter and a family of her own, endured years of trying to bear a child. Her love for Gunter remained steadfast, even as she grappled with the growing realization that she might never truly have his heart.

Alyce died during childbirth, leaving behind a daughter, Eufemia. This loss marked a turning point in Gunter's life. As he held his newborn daughter, something within him shifted. For the first time, Gunter experienced a profound sense of love and attachment. Eufemia, a living legacy of Alyce's gentleness, awakened in Gunter a dormant capacity for deep emotional connection.

Eufemia grew up in the shadow of her father's complex legacy and the absence of her mother's nurturing presence. Spoiled and headstrong, she inherited Gunter's stubborn confidence and sharp intellect, traits that made her a formidable presence in her own right. Yet, she also carried within her Alyce's kind heart, a blend of her parents' most defining qualities.

Her upbringing in the Rekenber household was one of privilege and access to knowledge, yet it was also marked by the emotional complexities of her father's world – a world where ambition and emotion often collided in unpredictable ways.

Gunter's relationship with his daughter became the one truly unguarded emotional connection in his life, a bond that humanized a man otherwise consumed by his relentless pursuit of knowledge and power. Eufemia's presence in his life was a constant reminder of both his greatest loss and his most profound love, shaping the course of his personal and professional endeavors in ways he could never have anticipated.

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