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Nanzoku no Nakoruru
Current Alias


Galapago Nakoruru

Blood Type
21 June
Long, black.
Papercraft, drawing, watching animals.
Cute things, feeling strong, meeting new people.
Making mistakes


Touma Clan (Touma-shi)
Kagema Clan (Kagema-ittou)
Nanzoku family (Nanzoku-ke)


Nanzoku no Toranosuke, Nanzoku no Amezakura

Nanzoku no Koutarou, Morisato no Ina


In the tapestry of Amatsu's vibrant life, Nakoruru is a striking thread, her essence woven with the colors of joy and the light of unbridled spirit. She moves with the rhythm of a gentle breeze, her long black hair cascading like a nightfall river, a dark cascade that speaks of starless skies and whispered secrets. Each strand dances with her every step, playful and untamed, mirroring the cheerful spontaneity that defines her being.

Her eyes, shimmering pools of the richest green, are like twin emeralds set against the morning dew. They hold within them the laughter of spring, the curiosity of uncharted forests, and the sparkle of untold stories waiting to be told. In her gaze, there's an alchemy of innocence and excitement, a silent ode to a world seen through a lens of wonder and ceaseless possibility.

Adorned in the soft pastels of nature's own palette, Nakoruru's attire speaks of her affinity with the earth and sky. The comfortable fabrics that clothe her, chosen as much for their gentle embrace as for their freedom of movement, are like petals against her skin, echoing her free-spirited nature. They flow with her, in perfect harmony with her agile form, a symphony of movement that blends grace with an endearing touch of clumsiness.

Nakoruru's unassuming build, slender and lithe, is a silhouette of understated strength, a testament to the discipline of her ninja training, yet presented with a humility that belies the depths of her skill. In her every motion, there is a ballet of controlled training, unruly clumsiness and spontaneous delight, a dance that balances the discipline of her craft with the joyful abandon of her heart.


Nakoruru, with the bright buoyancy of her spirit, carries the essence of Amatsu’s lighter skies in her every step. Clumsiness is her charming constant, a trait that paints her with a distinctive hue amidst the poised silhouettes of her fellow nobles. This endearing quality, threaded through her life's tapestry from playful toddler to sprightly young lady, never dims her incandescent joy.

Her heart beats to an innocent and excitable rhythm, a melody of purity that sees the world with wonder and expectation. In each mishap, she finds not frustration but a spark of adventure, an opportunity for a giggle, a shared joke, or simply a story to tell. This relentless optimism defines her, setting a tempo of happiness that seems to sync the world to her vibrant wavelength.

Despite the loftiness of her noble birth, Nakoruru’s spirit is unchained from the often stifling fineries of her station. The grandeur that could have been her daily fare seems but a distant thought, as she found richer joy in the dirt of the garden and the communal pulse of life among the Touma Clan. Her nobility is not one of aloofness, but of a gracious, grounded connection to the world around her.

While closeness to her clan's scions might have stirred murmurs of courtly scandal, Nakoruru’s soul is not marred by the bitterness of envy or the pangs of unrequited love. Instead, she harbors her secret affection for Touma no Ichirou, her future lord, with a silent grace, a testament to her disciplined resolve as a kunoichi. She understands the boundaries of her station and embraces them, allowing her to appreciate the beauty of her relationships without the torment of longing.

Her patience may fray with her own perceived inadequacies, but it never breaks. Nakoruru’s resilience is remarkable, her self-confidence unshaken by the frequent stumbles and falls. She wears her flaws not as marks of failure, but as quirks that fashion her uniqueness. And within this self-acceptance lies a profound kind-heartedness—a readiness to offer a helping hand, a comforting word, and a smile that seems to dispel shadows.

This kindness extends to all facets of life, from her gentle touch with creatures that captivate her heart to her delight in life's sweeter offerings, both of which she cherishes with a childlike enthusiasm. Yet, make no mistake—beneath this playful exterior is a ninja’s soul, loyal and brave, forged in the quiet fires of silent gardens and shadowed paths. Nakoruru is the unassuming guardian, her laughter a cloak that hides the steel of her resolve and the sharpness of her commitment.


In the verdant land of Amatsu, where the echoes of clashing warlords still murmur through the Sakura trees, Nakoruru’s lineage within the Nanzoku family is etched with the ink of servitude and secrecy. Her ancestors served as the shadowed edge of the Touma Clan, unseen and unfaltering. It was in this cradle of covert strength and dutiful shadows that Nakoruru was born, a spark of light amid the disciplined darkness of her family’s legacy.

From her earliest days, she was taught that to be Nanzoku was to be the unseen force, the whisper of silk against the blade, the quiet breath behind the decision of emperors. Her home was a place where the tales of the past were as much a part of her as the blood coursing through her veins. The walls of their modest dwelling were adorned with ancient weapons and scrolls, each a silent testament to the Nanzoku’s commitment to the Touma Clan’s cause. It was against this backdrop of legacy and expectation that Nakoruru’s own story began to unfold.

Training under the vigilant eyes of the Kagema Clan’s sensei, Nakoruru was a curious anomaly. Where precision and a natural predisposition for the clandestine arts were celebrated, her own path was one strewn with stumbles and laughter. She turned her lack of inherent ninja aptitude into a mantle of pride, her unfounded confidence as much a shield as any kunai or shuriken could be. Yet her sensei, wary of stifling her unorthodox spirit, quietly appreciated her resilience, for within her lay a dormant potential that only a path less trodden could awaken.

Her bond with the Touma heirs, Ichirou and Ageha, and the gentle Sachi, was not merely one of proximity, but of a shared history—a camaraderie that transcended social standing and the rigid hierarchy of their world. Her heart, ever the open scroll, recorded each moment spent with them in the indelible ink of affection and loyalty. Though whispers and jests of a future bound by concubinage fluttered through the corridors, Nakoruru always met them with a quiet correction, her sense of propriety as unyielding as her spirit.

The unspoken love she harbored for Ichirou was a silent waltz, her steps so carefully choreographed that not even the sharp eyes of the Kagema could discern the truth. Her duty to her lord was her anchor, her love for him her silent rebellion, each beat of her heart a note played for an audience of one.

Realizing the futility of containing her boisterous spirit within the hallowed training grounds, the Kagema Clan decided upon a quest—a journey that would take her beyond the comforts of the familiar. To keep her within the Touma’s shadowed halls would be to invite chaos where order reigned. So they sent her forth, a clumsy dove amidst the raptors, to seek out her own truth and to craft a tale not of whispered legacies but of shouted joys.

It is on this journey that Nakoruru is to find her place, to harness the unique blend of ebullient innocence and unshakeable loyalty that defines her. In the broader world, her path will twist and turn, but her clumsy steps will carry her forward, each misstep a dance, each fall a chance to rise.

RP Hooks

  • Kunoichi: Those who have some knowledge of the far east may recognise some of the tools Nakoruru keeps on her person -- scrolls, kunai, shuriken.
  • Nobility: And those who have knowledge of the powerful families may recognise the 'mon' of the Touma clan dangling from her belt.
  • Helpful: Whining in public will attract the attention of the dutiful ninja, who seeks to make the world a better place.


  • Her favourite food is mochi. She prefers sweet flavours.
  • She has lost over two thousand shuriken.
  • Yet, her targets are never hit...
  • She makes many strange, odd sounds.
  • Her ability to speak the languages of the continent is far from masterful...
