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Demons are a race of extra-dimensional entities that originate from Muspelheim and Vanaheim. They rely on dark magic to cast powerful spells to destroy their foes. They are characterized by cold and heartless personalities, showing no remorse for tormenting and killing others. They are often depicted as malevolent and cunning, seeking to draw goodly souls away from salvation so that they will enter Niflheim or Hel.

The origins of demons in Midgard are debated, with two primary theories vying for supremacy. The first ties their appearance to Satan Morroc, suggesting that his first incursion into the realm opened up the paths through Yggdrasil's roots to allow demons of lesser power easier access to Midgard. The second theory posits that the remains of Ymir, the immense jotnar once slain by Odin, call to these demons through Yggdrasil, seeking revenge upon the world Odin created with his blood.

These routes through the world tree periodically open up, either in response to magic or due to some cycle. Only beings of immense might, such as Satan Morroc or Odin, are capable of boring a hole through Yggdrasil. It is considerably less effort to call forth a small crack in the walls between dimensions, utilising the paths bored by these powerful beings. These fissures may be created through magic, or in response to strong emotions and desires. Once these cracks are formed, it is much easier for them to grow, allowing more powerful creatures through.

In an age long past, the first human mages of Geffen summoned an army of demons to fight against the elves who inhabited the magical kingdom of Geffenia. In the ruins of Geffenia may be found many demons, yearning to corrupt the souls of normans.

Some demons can corrupt not only the soul, but the body. One such case of this is the legend of Dracula, whose dabbling with demons resulted in vampires. Vampires are not the only demonic entities to require an odd source of sustenance. Many demons feed on innocence, leaving behind sin. Their odd feeding habits are the source of the abilities classified as 'dark magic'. This dark magic is essentially a capacity to enhance an aspect of the demon's prowess.

People seeking to create a demon character may be interested in the below table. The unusual feeding habits and the ability that they empower are usually linked. A list of suggested enhancements and food is provided below, but as long as you can explain the link between your character's enhancement and requirement, that is okay.

Demonic Enhancements and Food
Enhanced Ability Suggested Food Suggested Food Suggested Food
Magical Power Lust^ Love^ Blood*
Strength Rage Pride Blood*
Speed Fear Rage Example
Constitution Blood* Rage Love^

^Lust and love need not be fed upon through sex. If the character does feed through sexual activity, it is expected that the player will handle this maturely.
*Blood can come from any living animal; it need not be from one of the playable races.