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Holly Cailan
Current Alias
Blonde, long, straight
Flowers, donations, luxury, compliments, attention
Ghost stories, being ignored, poverty, ugliness


Holly exists as an enigmatic tapestry of allure and paradox, woven from threads of ethereal beauty and mischievous charm. Her tresses, spun from golden sunlight, cascade in a river of straightened splendor to frame a visage that balances an eldritch blend of innocence and allure. Her features, delicate as a fae, dance between puckish and sublime—each nuanced expression etched with celestial artistry.

Her lips, ever perched on the precipice of a beguiling smile or a disapproving furrow, serve as mercurial gatekeepers to her soul. Her eyes, twin orbs of roseate luminescence, shimmer with an unquenchable thirst for life, their fox-like cunning flashing as fleeting as the Northern Lights.

A devotee of Odin's sacred sanctuary, she defies the monochrome palette of her cloistered brethren. Holly drapes herself instead in the iridescent silks of distant Payon, each thread a whispered rebellion against the stifling austerity of her spiritual kin. Thus she stands, a scintillating enigma, her very being a hymn to life's unfathomable complexities. Her height is a little below average, but her proportions are anything but.

Though her stature falls short of towering grace, skirting beneath the realm of average height, Holly's proportions tell a different tale—each curve and angle defying mere statistical norm. As if sculpted by deities amused by mortal conventions, her form is an arresting symphony of paradox and proportion. Her busty body serves not as a limitation but as an intimate stage upon which the grand drama of her beauty unfolds.


Beneath the gilded exterior, the façade of Holly's character is a labyrinthine tapestry of darker hues—far removed from the sunny disposition she projects. Though her countenance beams with saccharine warmth, the truth is a more unsettling palette of hedonism and cunning. The sweetness she mimics is but a beguiling stratagem, a siren's song sung to lure others into the orbit of her desires. Lazy at her core, she is a maestro in the art of manipulation, wielding her aesthetic gifts like a weapon to harvest the fruits she covets but will not sow.

Her lips may sing hymns to Odin, and her hands may partake in the rituals of his hallowed church, yet her faith is a hollow echo. It is not reverence but expediency that guides her through the liturgical motions. In her world, salvation is not a divine gift but a personal endeavor, a responsibility to oneself alone. She insists the material realm deserves one's undivided attention, as ephemeral as it may be—a belief that conveniently justifies her vices.

While her flirtations paint an illusion of camaraderie, Holly's interpersonal tapestries are woven with gossamer threads, easily severed and rarely knotted. Her heart, a fortress sealed with salt and scorched earth, allows neither love to take root nor hope to flourish. It remains a barren wasteland, fiercely guarded against the possibility of deeper connection. Holly is a riddle wrapped in a mystery; an enigma shielded by an alluring but deceptive veneer; beauty without depth; charm without substance.


Holly was born in Izlude, a dainty coastal town of sparkling seas and jagged cliffs. While her father was alive, they lived a privileged life of opulence. But the tides swiftly turned when he died, leaving them with nothing but his hefty inheritance. Unfortunatley, Holly's mother squandered it all away in no time at all. By the tender age of 12, the zeny was depleted and their house sold. Thus, Holly grew determined to never suffer such misfortune again. She witnessed her mother succumb to various vices; afflicted by loss and grief, she became nothing more than an empty shell of her former self.

Clinging to this memory like a much-needed shield, Holly set out to gain power over both her own vices and those of others. Though not graced with physical strength, she knew how to use her silver tongue and beauty as a potent weapon against those she sought control over. Vulnerability is indeed her biggest fear; the thought of someone else having control or knowledge that could haunt her keeps her on edge.

At 13 years old she joined the clergy in search for sustenance - food and shelter were necessities after all. Her previous life of wealth gave her a head start on learning the ways of Odin; however, her slothful nature meant she often relied on past knowledge rather than pushing herself further.

Though she enjoys talking with other people and sharing tales from the church, some were skeptical of her methods - particularly when it came to spreading Odin's good news. She has an aversion for hard work or manual labor (which is sometimes necessary during hunting season and when the church needs cleaning).

Ghost stories filled her heart with terror, as does the sight of ugly people.

Despite her fears, Holly proved to be a valuable asset to the church. Her quick wit and charming persona allowed her to connect with people in ways that others could not. With her help, the church's congregation grew, and its coffers swelled with donations.

As time passed, Holly's reputation spread beyond the borders of Prontera. Word of her skills as a speaker and persuader reached the ears of powerful men and women in distant lands. They sought her out, offering her riches and influence in exchange for her services.

Sadly, Holly's hedonistic, slothful, lustful ways were looked down upon by her superiors in the church, even if her peers enjoyed her company. Too many times had priests and nuns walked in on a half-naked Holly tempting a parishioner or, even worse, a fellow member of the clergy. At the end of their tether, the church sent Holly on a pilgrimage, getting her out of the Cathedral and providing the halls some much-needed airing.

RP Hooks

  • Many who attend Prontera's cathedral know the pretty, flirtatious priestess.
  • There are numerous, salacious rumours about what Holly will do for donations...
  • Her breasts were not always this big!


  • She hates ghost stories. She hates seeing ghosts and undead even more...
  • She's still afraid of the dark, and hates being outdoors at night.
  • She hasn't seen her mother since she left Izlude four years ago.
  • The Cathedral sent Holly on a pilgrimage because she was teaching acolytes bad habits.


Maple: She's so fun to bully. She just smiles!

Lily: Such a cute little puppy! Let me tug you around on a leash and do tricks for donations! [[Category:Rune-Midgarts]