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Gunter Helmund Rekenber

Gunter Helmund Rekenber


Grandpa (Frieda)

Blood Type
1 Jan
White, thin.
Beautiful eyes
Chairman of the Rekenber Corporation
Gardening, restoring old robots, fixing clocks, chess
Lilies, simple inventions, alchemy, whisky, his granddaughter
Simple people, insubordination, hubris, complacency


Alyce Rekenber (Deceased)
Eufemia Rekenber (Deceased)
Arnulf Rekenber (Older brother, deceased), Dieterich Rekenber (Younger brother)
Agnard Rekenber (Father, deceased), Janelein Rekenber (Mother, deceased)
Other Relatives

Frieda Rekenber (Grandaughter)


Time has etched its passage onto Gunter Rekenber, yet it has not dulled the formidable essence of the man who stands at the helm of the Rekenber Corporation. His age, marked by eight decades, is betrayed only by the silver hue that adorns his hair and beard, like a crown of wisdom and experience. His hair, though thinning, is meticulously groomed, complementing the snowy beard that frames his determined jawline. The lines on his face, each a testament to the trials and triumphs of his years, do little to diminish the intensity of his clear, appraising blue eyes. Those eyes, set beneath a severe brow, miss no detail, reflecting a mind as sharp and discerning as it was in his youth.

Gunter's stature may not be imposing in height, yet his presence fills a room with an unmistakable aura of confidence and authority. He carries himself with an upright, commanding posture, each movement deliberate and calculated, leaving no doubt about the power he wields. His choice of attire is a subtle yet unmistakable display of his status and taste. He dresses in white and black finery, a sartorial choice that speaks of elegance without excess. The clothes, tailored to perfection, fit him impeccably, enhancing his dignified bearing.

Half of the Rekenber Corporation's insignia is emblazoned on the left side of his attire, a symbol that represents not just the corporation he leads but also the dual nature of his endeavors – the public face of innovation and progress and the hidden ventures into morally ambiguous territories. The insignia is a constant reminder of the legacy he has built and the complex web of secrets and power he navigates.


Gunter Rekenber, CEO of the Rekenber Corporation, is a figure of immense intellectual prowess and ambition. His deep understanding of both magic and technology has not only propelled the corporation to new heights but has also placed him at the forefront of innovative research in the field of magi-tech. Gunter's intellect, however, is more than just academic brilliance; it is a tool he wields with strategic precision, always calculating the potential benefits and consequences of his decisions. This strategic mindset is coupled with a pragmatic approach to both business and personal affairs, often bordering on ruthlessness. His decisions are guided by logic and benefit, often at the expense of emotions or ethical considerations.

Ambition is the fuel that drives Gunter. It propels his relentless pursuit of greater achievements, both in the corporate realm and in his scientific endeavors. This unyielding drive is rooted in a deep-seated fear of death and a desire to exert control over his environment. Gunter's ambition, however, is not without its costs. It has led him into morally ambiguous territories, particularly in his quest to replicate the divine powers of Ymir's Heart and in the creation of his granddaughter, Frieda. His morality is flexible, shaped more by ambition and the fear of mortality than by conventional ethics.

Despite his outward appearance of confidence and control, Gunter grapples with internal conflicts. The guilt over his daughter's tragic death and his role in it continues to haunt him, revealing a more vulnerable side to his otherwise composed exterior. This internal struggle manifests in his relationship with Frieda, his granddaughter, whom he views both as a second chance and as a legacy project. His treatment of Frieda is a blend of paternal affection and overprotectiveness, stemming from his desire to rectify past mistakes and from his fear of losing control.


Early Life

Gunter was born into a world where wealth and influence were the currencies of power. Raised in an affluent family in Lighthalzen, a city renowned for its fusion of magic and technology, his childhood was one of luxury, but also of rigorous grooming for leadership. The Rekenber Corporation, a cornerstone of his family's legacy, was not just a business but a dynasty to which he was heir.

From a young age, Gunter and his brothers were immersed in the intricacies of corporate management, magi-tech development, and the cutthroat world of Schwarzwald's elite. Among his siblings, Gunter stood out for his pragmatic approach and unrelenting ambition. He was not just content with learning the ropes; he was determined to redefine them.

As a child, Gunter was captivated by the vibrant gardens that adorned the grounds of his family estate. These gardens, meticulously maintained, were more than just displays of beauty; to young Gunter, they were a microcosm of life itself – a cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth that unfolded with each passing season. This early exposure to the rhythms of nature sparked in him a profound interest in the processes that underlie life.

However, this fascination was twinned with an emerging fear of death – a fear perhaps instilled by the premature loss of a cousin which left a lasting impression on his young mind. Gunter found himself pondering the fragility of life and the inexorable march towards mortality, questions that weighed heavily on his precocious intellect.

It was in the study of alchemy that young Gunter found a semblance of answers to his questions. Alchemy, with its blend of science, magic, and philosophy, became an obsession for him. He was particularly drawn to the alchemical pursuit of the Elixir of Life, a legendary concoction said to grant immortality, and the Homunculus, a creation of life through alchemical means. These pursuits symbolized his twin fascinations with conquering death and understanding the essence of life.

Gunter's early experiments in alchemy started in the gardens of his estate. He would spend hours tending to plants, mixing various natural concoctions to enhance their growth or to create new, hybrid forms. His gardens became his laboratory, a place where he could explore the principles of alchemy in a tangible, hands-on way.

As Gunter grew, so did his ambitions. The gardens and his rudimentary alchemical experiments were no longer enough to satisfy his growing thirst for knowledge. He began delving deeper into more advanced alchemical texts, seeking out mentors among the alchemists and mages of Lighthalzen. His natural intelligence and his family's resources allowed him access to knowledge that was rare for someone his age.

Gunter's early life thus became a foundation upon which his future would be built. His fear of death and fascination with the creation of life through alchemy would eventually manifest in his leadership of the Rekenber Corporation. These childhood obsessions would drive him to push the boundaries of magi-tech, blurring the lines between science and sorcery, and between ethical boundaries and personal ambition.


Alyce, the daughter of a dean from the prestigious Sage Academy in Juno, entered Gunter's life as a key to a door he was desperate to unlock. Her connection to the academy, a repository of vast knowledge and arcane secrets, was an irresistible allure for Gunter, who was deeply engrossed in his quest to understand and manipulate the essence of life. Alyce, for her part, was a woman of kindness and grace, possessing a beauty that was as much a matter of her gentle spirit as her physical appearance. She fell deeply in love with Gunter, drawn perhaps to his intelligence and the intensity of his ambition.

For Gunter, the marriage was a strategic move, a step closer to the resources and knowledge he coveted. He played the part of a loving husband, but his heart remained untouched by the genuine affection Alyce offered. Instead, Gunter's true passion lay in his research, particularly his groundbreaking work in creating autonomous artificial life, a pursuit that consumed much of his time and attention. Alyce, yearning for a deeper connection with Gunter and a family of her own, endured years of trying to bear a child. Her love for Gunter remained steadfast, even as she grappled with the growing realization that she might never truly have his heart.

Alyce died during childbirth, leaving behind a daughter, Eufemia. This loss marked a turning point in Gunter's life. As he held his newborn daughter, something within him shifted. For the first time, Gunter experienced a profound sense of love and attachment. Eufemia, a living legacy of Alyce's gentleness, awakened in Gunter a dormant capacity for deep emotional connection.

Eufemia grew up in the shadow of her father's complex legacy and the absence of her mother's nurturing presence. Spoiled and headstrong, she inherited Gunter's stubborn confidence and sharp intellect, traits that made her a formidable presence in her own right. Yet, she also carried within her Alyce's kind heart, a blend of her parents' most defining qualities. Her upbringing in the Rekenber household was one of privilege and access to knowledge, yet it was also marked by the emotional complexities of her father's world – a world where ambition and emotion often collided in unpredictable ways.

Gunter's relationship with his daughter became the one truly unguarded emotional connection in his life, a bond that humanized a man otherwise consumed by his relentless pursuit of knowledge and power. Eufemia's presence in his life was a constant reminder of both his greatest loss and his most profound love, shaping the course of his personal and professional endeavors in ways he could never have anticipated. However, the stubborn man and his stubborn daughter rarely saw eye to eye.

The tumultuous relationship between Gunter and his daughter Eufemia reached its zenith as she matured into a young woman, fiercely independent and deeply influenced by her father's complex legacy. Their bond, once a source of emotional awakening for Gunter, became strained and volatile, marked by intense disagreements and a battle of wills. Eufemia, embodying both her father's intellect and her mother's heart, found herself drawn to a young worker at the Rekenber Corporation. This young man, far removed from the echelons of power and influence that Gunter inhabited, represented a world that was starkly different from the one she had known. Her affection for him was a symbol of her desire for a life dictated by her choices, not her father's ambitions.

Gunter, viewing the relationship as an affront to his authority and a threat to the family's prestige, vehemently opposed their union. His attempts to sever their bond only fueled Eufemia's determination, solidifying a relationship that thrived in defiance of his fury. Gunter's disapproval was rooted in a deep-seated fear of losing his daughter, the one person who had managed to breach the walls around his heart.

The conflict reached a breaking point one fateful night, fueled by alcohol and unbridled emotions. In a moment of uncontrolled anger, Gunter struck Eufemia, a physical manifestation of the growing chasm between them. This act of violence shattered the fragile bond they shared, driving Eufemia to flee from the oppressive shadow of her father's control.

In a bold act of independence, Eufemia eloped with her lover, choosing a life of uncertainty and freedom over the gilded cage of her father's world. Her departure left Gunter grappling with the consequences of his actions, facing the harsh reality of his daughter's absence.

In the wake of Eufemia's departure, Gunter, true to his nature, sought refuge in his work. He immersed himself deeper into his research and development projects at the Rekenber Corporation, channeling his emotional turmoil into a relentless pursuit of scientific and magical breakthroughs. His work became his solace, a distraction from the pain of his daughter's absence and the guilt of his actions.

Gunter's dedication to his research intensified, driven by a mix of professional ambition and personal escapism. He delved into projects that pushed the boundaries of magi-tech, seeking solace in the cold logic of science and the allure of arcane discovery. Yet, beneath his focused exterior, there lingered a sense of loss and regret, a quiet acknowledgment of the personal cost of his ambition and the complex nature of his relationship with Eufemia.

In this period of intense professional focus and personal introspection, Gunter's legacy within the Rekenber Corporation solidified, even as the void left by Eufemia's absence remained an unhealed wound in his heart.

The passing of Gunter's parents marked not a moment of grief but rather a pivotal opportunity in his relentless ascent within the Rekenber Corporation. Their deaths opened doors for Gunter and his siblings, creating vacancies in the upper echelons of the company's hierarchy. Gunter, with his pragmatic approach and ambitious nature, stepped into these newly available roles with a strategic eye, further entrenching himself within the corporate power structure. His position on the board of Rekenber solidified his influence and control, allowing him to shape the company's direction more significantly than ever before.

Learning of Eufemia's escape to Juno with her lover, a mix of bitterness and calculated malice took root in Gunter's heart. Unable to reconcile with his daughter's defiance and the loss of control over her life, he conceived a cold, vindictive plan. Reaching out to Eufemia's lover under the guise of reconciliation and generosity, Gunter orchestrated a return to Lighthalzen, even going so far as to finance the young man's journey via airship.

The offer, cloaked in goodwill, was a meticulously planned trap. Gunter arranged for the airship to meet with a 'tragic accident,' a scheme designed to rid him of the man he blamed for leading his daughter astray. It was a plan that epitomized Gunter's darker traits - his ability to manipulate, his willingness to sacrifice others for his objectives, and his deep-seated vindictiveness.

Unbeknownst to Gunter, his meticulously laid plans were destined for a catastrophic outcome. In a twist of fate, Eufemia, his beloved daughter, was also aboard the airship. Gunter's plot, intended to eliminate a perceived adversary, inadvertently endangered the one person he had truly loved.

The realization of this unintended consequence was a harrowing moment for Gunter, a man who had long navigated the corridors of power with calculated precision. The airship crash, meant as an instrument of revenge, instead became a symbol of his greatest failure and loss. The tragedy shook the very foundations of his world, forever altering his perception of power, control, and familial bonds.

In the wake of the airship tragedy, Gunter was left to grapple with the harrowing consequences of his actions. The death of his daughter, a result of his own scheming, marked a turning point in his life, awakening him to the devastating impact of his relentless pursuit of control and vengeance. This incident cast a long shadow over his subsequent endeavors, both personal and professional, infusing his legacy with a tragic complexity.

Haunted by the loss of Eufemia and the role he played in it, Gunter's subsequent years at the Rekenber Corporation were marked by a duality of further professional success and deep personal torment. His actions and decisions were henceforth colored by the memory of the tragedy, a poignant reminder of the human cost of ambition and the unpredictable nature of fate.

Haunted by a maelstrom of guilt and rationalisation, Gunter Rekenber's life took a darker turn as he grappled with the consequences of his past actions. Once fearful of death, he now found it intricately woven into the fabric of his existence, a constant reminder of the tragic outcome of his ambitions. In a desperate attempt to assuage his guilt and regain control, Gunter convinced himself that it was Eufemia's own decisions, not his machinations, that led to her demise. This twisted logic became the foundation for a new, ambitious, and morally dubious project – the recreation of his deceased daughter.

With his formidable experience as the former head of Research and Development at Rekenber Corporation and access to substantial resources, Gunter proposed an audacious initiative to his brother, the CEO of Rekenber. This project, shrouded in secrecy and ethical ambiguity, aimed to resurrect the dead, starting with his daughter Eufemia. Driven by a mix of paternal love and a haunting need for redemption, Gunter envisioned a second chance to not only bring back his daughter but also to guide her down a path he deemed correct.

The experiments embarked upon by Gunter were of a macabre and ethically reprehensible nature. In the shadows of Lighthalzen, a city known for its scientific advancements, Gunter's project delved into the grotesque. Body parts were clandestinely harvested from the city's most vulnerable – the poor and those who had fallen foul of the Rekenber Corporation. These unwilling donors became the raw materials for Gunter's twisted vision of resurrection and life creation.

Parallel to his efforts to recreate Eufemia, Gunter initiated another ambitious project – the creation of the perfect soldier. This endeavor combined his expertise in magi-tech with his newfound, grim fascination with life manipulation. The aim was to produce soldiers who were supremely capable, unerringly loyal, and, above all, under the complete control of the Rekenber Corporation.


Gunter had known from his earliest days that he was best suited to lead the Rekenber Corporation. Gunter's ascension to the role of CEO of the Rekenber Corporation was not a straightforward path. His genius had long been instrumental in propelling the company's ventures, especially in the realms of magi-tech and pharmaceuticals. However, it was the untimely death of his brother, the former CEO, that vaulted Gunter into the corporation's highest echelon. This tragic event, shrouded in mystery, marked a turning point in Gunter's life, thrusting him into a position of unparalleled power and influence.

Under Gunter’s leadership, the corporation embarked on the ambitious Rune Stones project. Alongside Vorsebe Wolfchev, a colleague whose intellectual prowess and lack of moral scruples mirrored his own, Gunter sought to emulate the divine power of Ymir's Heart. This mythical artifact, the heart of an ancient god slain by Odin, is the cornerstone of life itself, imbued with the essence of creation. Recognizing the immense potential hidden within Ymir's Heart, the sages of Schwarzwald long coveted its power, using its fragments to fuel wonders like airships and guardians, and to hold the grand city of Juno aloft.

Gunter's vision was grand and audacious: to replicate the power of a god. His quest, driven by a fear of death and a desire for control, led to the creation of Rune Stones, devices that harnessed and mimicked the essence of Ymir's Heart. This breakthrough was a testament to Gunter's brilliance but also a stark reminder of his willingness to tread where others dared not. Of the numerous and bloody Rune Stone experiments conducted under the veil of the Rekenber Corporation, only two achieved the coveted success. These triumphs were closely guarded secrets, known only to a select few within the corporation's innermost circle. The true nature of these achievements, and the ethical costs at which they were attained, remained hidden from the public eye.

To the outside world, Gunter was the visionary leader responsible for Schwarzwald's economic prosperity and technological advancements. His public persona was carefully crafted: a genius driving the nation into a future where magic and technology were seamlessly integrated. Yet, whispers of the corporation's darker undertakings lurked beneath this façade, rumors quickly silenced by the corporation's far-reaching influence.

Amidst this tapestry of power and secrecy, Gunter introduced Frieda Rekenber to the world five years after the tragic airship crash that claimed his daughter Eufemia. Presented as his granddaughter, Frieda was, in truth, a clone of Eufemia, born from the remnants of the crash. In her, Gunter saw a chance for redemption, an opportunity to rewrite the past.

Frieda's life in the Rekenber manor was one of opulence and isolation, her every move overseen by Gunter's watchful eye. His overprotectiveness was a fortress built from the guilt of past mistakes and a newfound paternal affection.

Now, a decade after assuming the role of CEO, Gunter Rekenber's story continues. At the helm of the Rekenber Corporation, does he seek yet greater heights? Gunter's journey, marked by ambition, tragedy, and the unrelenting pursuit of knowledge, raises the question: what heights will he aspire to next, and at what cost?

RP Hooks

  • Shwarz elite may have a reason to speak with him.
  • People snooping into the Rekenber Corporation will draw his attention.
  • People who get close to his granddaughter will draw his attention faster.
  • He enjoys chess, and plays at Schwarzwald's annual chess tournament.
  • Through the Rekenber Corporation, he donates large amounts of money to Juno's Sage Academy.


  • Though he enjoys chess, the highest he has placed at Schwarzwald's annual chess tournament is third.
  • He knows Schwarzwald's current president -- the two will often play chess together.
  • His favourite flower is the lily, and he has written several research papers on the conditions in which they thrive.


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