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Fuuki no Kasai

Arlen Schanflett
Current Alias
Fuuki no Kasai
Blood Type
18 December
Long, red.
Fire, fireworks, bonfires, summer


Fuuki Clan


Kasai is a tall man with a wiry, athletic build. He often wears dark, loose clothes. Were it not for the curved horns protruding from his head, his most striking feature would be his long crimson hair. His eyes are an intense blue.


What they like?


Nativity in Black

Born amidst the ruins of what was once a glittering jewel of Midgard, Kasai's earliest memories are steeped in the gloom and despair of a city lost to time and tragedy. His birth, a union of demon and dokkalalf during Geffenia's darkest hours, marked him with features both fearsome and fascinating - his horns a constant, painful reminder of his dual heritage.

Geffenia, at the time of Kasai's youth, was a realm where lawlessness reigned supreme, and power was the only currency. It was in this merciless world that Kasai, then Bluhend, witnessed the horrific murder of his mother. Her death, at the hands of those who believed he should have been cast into the abyss at birth, was a defining moment, searing into his soul a deep-seated sense of loss and anger.

Despite the bleakness of his origins, his mother, a creature of grace amidst chaos, showered him with love, nurturing his heart amidst the desolation. In the underbelly of Geffen, where the remnants of elven civilization coexisted uneasily with more civil demons, Kasai grew up surrounded by others who bore the marks of demonic lineage, each a living testament to the city's fall.

In the wake of his mother's murder, Bluhend's path took an unexpected turn. He was taken under the wing of a vampire who sought to impose order upon the chaotic remnants of Geffenia. This vampire, a figure of enigmatic power and vision, recognized the potential lying dormant within the young half-demon. Under this unlikely guardian, Bluhend began to understand and harness the powers inherited from his demonic lineage, shaping him into a being of formidable ability.

Under the tutelage of the enigmatic vampire in the remnants of Geffenia, Bluhend experienced a profound transformation, both in his understanding of his demonic heritage and in his personal identity. During this period, he grappled with a quintessential aspect of his demon nature – the yearning for an essence of the living to feed his soul. For Bluhend, this essence was not physical, but rather, an ethereal one: the raw and potent energy of mortal emotions. Unlike the vampire who sustained himself on the physical lifeblood of others, Bluhend found himself drawn to the intense emotional experiences of the living. It was the spectrum of human feelings – joy, sorrow, fear, love, and anger – that nourished his soul and provided him with a profound sense of connection to the living world.

Under the vampire's guidance, Bluhend learned to sense and, in subtle ways, absorb these emotional energies. He became adept at navigating the complex emotional landscapes of those around him, an ability that lent him both strength and insight. This skill was not about exploitation but understanding and communion with the very essence of what it means to be alive.

In Geffenia, emotions ran high and raw. Fear, despair, anger, and occasional bursts of joy and hope were all palpable in the air. For Bluhend, these emotions were not just ambient feelings; they were powerful currents that he could sense and internalize. This connection provided him with an acute understanding of those around him, allowing him to anticipate actions and reactions, a skill that was invaluable in navigating the city's treacherous landscape. However, this heightened emotional connection also meant that Bluhend was constantly exposed to the suffering and pain of others. The brutality and violence that pervaded Geffenia weighed heavily on him. He experienced the collective grief and fear of the city's inhabitants, which could be overwhelming and emotionally draining. This constant exposure to the darker side of emotions served as a stark reminder of the city's cruel reality.

Bluhend's ability to connect with emotions was a double-edged sword. On one hand, it provided him with insights and empathy uncommon among demons, allowing him to form deeper connections and understandings with both the elves and the more civilized demons of Geffenia. On the other hand, it often placed him in emotional turmoil, as he struggled to reconcile his demonic nature with the flood of emotions that he could not help but absorb. A child born in the shadows of tragedy, hatred and pride about him like swaddling.

This deep connection to the emotional landscape of Geffenia played a significant role in Bluhend's growth. It honed his empathy and understanding, traits that would later influence his decisions and actions. Yet, it also created internal conflict, as he grappled with the stark contrast between his demonic instincts and the human emotions that he had come to understand so intimately.

A Journey to the West

Enslaved by the faithful of a god not his own.

On the Eastward Wind

Breaking his chains, he travelled. On the tides and the eight winds he travelled.

The Demon of Flame and Wind

A demon of flame and wind, to his homelands he returned.

RP Hooks

  • Arunafeltzi slave:
  • Fuuki Clan ninja:
  • Former Retainer:


  • Add as you'd like


Any character:

As Bluhend, now engulfed in the emotional and physical confines of Arunafeltz, faced each day of captivity, his story took a poignant turn with the entry of another soul, a fellow slave, who would leave an indelible mark on his already tumultuous journey.

A Fateful Encounter In the midst of despair, Bluhend found a flicker of connection, an unexpected bond, with another slave. This individual, like Bluhend, was a victim of the theocracy's harsh doctrines, subjected to the cruel fate of servitude and abuse. Amidst the oppression and suffering, a bond formed between them, fostered not only by their shared circumstances but also by a deeper, intangible affinity. For Bluhend, who could sense and absorb the emotions of those around him, this connection was profound and transformative.

Love Amidst Sorrow In this fellow slave, Bluhend found an oasis of solace and understanding. Their relationship blossomed into love, a rare and precious light in the darkness of their shared plight. This love was a sanctuary, a respite from the daily torment, offering both comfort and strength. For Bluhend, whose life had been a tapestry of bitterness, rage, and guarded empathy, this love was a revelation, opening his heart to a depth of feeling he had not thought possible.

Tragedy Strikes However, this glimmer of hope was cruelly and abruptly extinguished. In a brutal display of power and control, Bluhend's beloved was killed before his eyes, a victim of the very brutality they both endured daily. This act of senseless violence shattered the brief respite Bluhend had found in the bonds of love. Witnessing the murder of someone he deeply cared for, especially with his heightened empathic abilities, was a harrowing experience that left a deep scar on his psyche.

The Aftermath The loss of his loved one in such a brutal manner ignited a storm within Bluhend. His grief was intertwined with a seething rage, a potent and dangerous fusion fueled by his demonic heritage and empathic nature. This tragedy marked a turning point in his journey, amplifying the bitterness and anger that had been simmering within him. The cruel fate of his beloved became a catalyst, intensifying his resolve to break free from the chains of his captivity and to challenge the injustices of the world he had come to know.