Mount Mjolnir

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Mount Mjolnir is an enormous, two-peaked mountain named for the legendary weapon of the god Thor. Muriniel Pass, a pathway connecting Prontera to Aldebaran, runs through Mount Mjolnir, and bridges criss-cross its slopes to aid travellers. The mountain is covered in flora of gigantic proportions. crisscross its slopes to aid travellers. The mountain is covered in gigantic flora, and rich in ore. An old mine can be found in the verdant valleys of the Mjolnir.


Age of the Gods

During the Thousand-Year War, Thor fought Ymir here. During the battle, Thor slammed Mjolnir into the earth. It was from this impact that the mountain rose. The Church of Odin teaches that it is the lingering blessing of Mjolnir that gives the area its abundant greenery and minerals. Apocrypha suggests, however, that it was in fact the blood of Ymir that granted these.

Recent History

Over the past few centuries, Runan rulers have made several attempts to tame the wilds of Mjolnir. Success eluded them. There was, for a time, a well-established route between Geffen, the now-abandoned coal mine, and Prontera. This route was abandoned several decades ago after an incident caused the mine to close. Now a site for adventurers and thrill-seekers, Mount Mjolnir proves a forbidding obstacle for those traversing the continent.