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Lady Sapphira Seyruun
Current Alias


Sapphy, Cheese Princess

18 September.
Long, blonde with a slight wave
Sky blue
Cheese, flowers, clouds, poetry, rainy days
Loud noises, social obligations, training, rude people, conflict


Lord Silas Seyruun (Older brother)
Lord Bastian Seyruun (Older brother)
Lord Cidolph Seyruun (Older brother)
Lord Valentas Seyruun, Lady Katlynn Seyruun
Other Relatives

Alistair Hartis & Maple Hartis: Distant cousins.

The petals of the blue rose fell long ago, forgotten by the kingdom. Now, after all this time, will that rose see the sun of a new age?


Sapphira is a striking figure, her appearance marked by a blend of natural beauty and aristocratic poise. She possesses a figure that is both graceful and noticeable, often drawing the eyes of those around her. Her long blonde hair cascades with a gentle wave, shimmering like spun gold in the sunlight, framing her face in a soft, radiant halo. Her eyes, a pale shade of blue, are reminiscent of a serene sky or a calm ocean, conveying depth and a certain introspective quality. They reflect her emotions vividly, from the warmth of her kindness to the flickers of her inherent anxieties.


Sapphira is fundamentally kind and charitable, often putting the needs of others before her own. Her reserved nature speaks of a young woman who observes before she acts, thoughtful in her approach to the world. Despite her noble upbringing, she carries an air of awkwardness, a trait that makes her endearingly human and approachable.

Being the youngest child of a prominent family, she has been coddled, which sometimes leaves her unprepared for the harsher realities of life outside her family's protective bubble. Her distractibility adds a whimsical aspect to her character, often leading her down paths of unexpected adventure and discovery. Sapphira is deeply romantic at heart, dreaming of love and connection that transcends the transactional nature of her family’s expectations.

However, beneath this softer exterior lies a current of anxiety, stemming from the pressures of her background and her desire to forge her own path in life. This anxiety sometimes conflicts with her more adventurous ambitions, creating a delicate balance between her aspirations and her fears.


As the youngest scion of the Seyruun family, Sapphira’s life has been one of privilege and expectation. The Seyruuns are a family steeped in military tradition and are well-respected in Rune-Midgarts for their service. This legacy has bestowed upon Sapphira both a sense of pride and a weight of obligation.

Her decision to follow in her father and brothers' footsteps was driven partly by a desire to escape the constraints of arranged marriage, a common expectation in her social circle. This choice reflects her independent streak and her wish to be seen as more than just a piece in the familial game of alliances and power.

Growing up in a castle that has now been relinquished to guilds of adventurers, Sapphira has been exposed to a world of excitement and danger from a young age. This environment has fuelled her romantic and adventurous inclinations, planting in her a yearning for a life beyond the gilded walls of nobility. It has also given her a unique perspective on the lives of adventurers, allowing her to empathize with and understand their struggles and dreams.

RP Hooks

  • Any characters with links to Runan nobility would know of the Seyruun family and their military prowess.
  • Sapphira is a devout member of the Church of Odin, and her training has focused on the holy war against monsters. Despite this, she is also a member of Prontera's Chivalry.
  • Sapphira's indulgences in life are cheese and poetry.


  • She will eat very strange cheeses without hesitation.
  • She has written her poetry, but shown it to no one.
  • She is startled by sudden noises.
  • She enjoys watching flowers grow, but has terrible luck growing any of her own.
  • Before becoming a knight, she was to marry Lord Argath von Walter of Al de Baran.


Alistair Hartis: Alistair is Sapphira's senior in the Prontera Chivalry. He will sometimes assign tasks to her. Though their relationship is workable, he finds her hesitation and propensity to dream and dawdle frustrating.
Holly Cailan: Holly is of age with Sapphira and serves the Church of Odin alongside her. Sapphira has trouble understanding Holly's way of living, and Holly hates how laidback Sapphira's approach to life appears. Holly's frustration boils over into sharp, veiled criticisms that often fly over Sapphira's head.
Maple Hartis: Though similar in many ways, Maple and Sapphira make for poor company for each other; their anxious, uncertain demeanours only exacerbate the anxieties underpinning them. Nonetheless, Sapphira thinks fondly of the silent priestess.