Sograt Desert

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Once the Sograt Desert was a land of verdant forests with a thriving civilisation. The battle between Thanatos and the jotunn Morocc laid waste to this land and brought the civilisation to its knees. For over a thousand years, the desert held its secrets well... Until calamity returned once again.

The Ancient Civilisation

Even now, ruins and clues about the ancient Morrocan civilisation remain in the desert. The Pyramids and Sphinx were built in this culture's almost forgotten style.

MVPs & Notable Monsters

  • Phreeoni the Devourer
  • Incarnation of Morocc: Spirits twisted by the father of demons, these warped monstrosities are cursed to forever return... They take on the forms of a fallen valkyrie, an echo of a fallen leader, a forlorn mother, and a monster of congealed earth.